1 Name
The name of the Band shall be the City of Coventry Brass. The name of the Band may be amended to reflect any sponsorship agreement entered into by the Band.
2 Objects and Powers
(a) to advance the education and appreciation of the art and science of music with particular reference to brass band music; and
(b) to support other charitable institutions and charitable purposes as thought fit.
In furtherance of such objects but not otherwise the Band shall have the following powers:-
i) to establish, maintain and promote a brass band for the purpose of engaging in musical activities for the benefit of the general public, including concerts and contests;
ii) to provide educational and training facilities for brass and percussion players; and
iii) to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the attainment of the said objectives.
3 Membership
3.1 All brass instrumentalists, percussionists, persons wishing to play brass instruments, and persons interested in the furtherance of the Bands objectives, shall be eligible to become members.
3.2 Honourary members, including a President and Vice Presidents, may be appointed at the discretion of the Band at a General Meeting. Honourary members shall not be entitled to vote.
4 Subscriptions **
4.1 All members of the Band shall pay such subscriptions as may be determined by a General Meeting.
5 Musical Director
5.1 The music policy of the Band shall be directed by the Musical Director.
5.2 The appointment of a Musical Director shall be decided by a two thirds majority.
5.3 A General Meeting may decide by a two thirds majority to request that the Musical Director resign.
6 Band Management
6.1 The administration policy and general management of the affairs of the Band shall be determined by the Band at a General Meeting. Each playing member of the band over the age of 16 will be entitled to vote and all matters will be determined by a two thirds majority.
7 General Meetings of the Band
7.1 General Meetings shall be held at least quarterly and all matters will be determined by a two third majority.
7.2 The Treasurer will present audited accounts to a General Meeting on a yearly basis.
8 Honourary Officers
8.1 A General Meeting will appoint a Secretary and Treasurer and other officers as it sees fit to act on their behalf to implement their decisions.
**At a General meeting on 10 December 2014 it was decided that :
Subscriptions will be paid by all members of the Band (£10 per month) except those
in full time education
living greater than 15miles away
However if, any member of the Band covered by these exceptions elected to make a contribution that would not be rejected.